Community and Platform Guidelines
Sprout24 seriously publishes all things related to Software and SaaS Products. As a resource site, we offer quality tips, tools, rating, benchmark, guides, and resources to enhance your SaaS buying experience. Improving this collective resource involves interactions on the site, such as comments and reviews. We enforce a policy to combat SPAM to ensure quality.
We value every comment and review submissions on to the Sprout24 Product Context Pages, but we will remove comments and reviews that do not adhere to our Community and Platform Guidelines policy. Repeated violations will lead to a permanent ban of the IP address, domain, and email used.
How to Get Support for a Problem?
If you have a general question about the tip, guide, or tutorial we posted, please leave a comment on the guide. If your question is about your specific site, you should use our Contact Form. The comment area is not the ideal place for unrelated questions. Instead, use our Contact form to suggest tutorials you’d like to see or ask unrelated questions. We will delete comments and reviews containing personal information or specific questions about the site and contact you via email.
What to Do If Your Comment Does Not Appear?
If you comment on the selection guides and reviews on the product context pages does not appear within a reasonable time (3 business day), and it adheres to our Comment Policies, please reach out to us using the contact form.
Comment Name – We require the use of your real name or nickname for commenting and reviewing. We will flag as SPAM and delete comments and reviews with keyword-stuffed names like “Web Design Company.”
Valid Email – Commenting and reviewing of products requires an email address, which we do not publish or share. We will flag email addresses that appear as SPAM.
Language and Manners – Since this website is in English, please comment and review in English. Sprout24 is a family-friendly site, and we will edit or delete any comment and review that includes offensive language or is considered rude by our editorial staff. Let’s keep the community friendly.
Add Value – We may edit, move, or delete comments and reviews that do not contribute to the conversation, are off-topic, or end the conversation. We will delete all SPAM comments and reviews as they do not add value.
Limit Links – To prevent SPAM and ensure quality, we limit links in comments and reviews. Do not include more than two links. Comments and reviews with more than two links will undergo further review. Do not sign your comments and reviews with a backlink to your site; we will remove them.
No Personal Attack Comments Allowed – We do not permit personal attacks in comments and reviews. You may debate the content, but not attack the other member or other commenters. Failing to respect participants may result in removal and blocked access.
All Rights Reserved – The Sprout24 Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any comments and reviews and to block access to anyone from commenting or the entire platform.
Hold Harmless – Sprout24 holds no responsibility for comments and reviews, which are the commenter and user responsibility. By commenting and reviews, you declare the content is yours and agree to hold Sprout24, its subsidiaries, and representatives harmless from any repercussions, damages, or liability.
For any questions about the policy, contact Sprout24 staff using our contact form.